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Wen-Chieh Lee


Associate member of Audio Engineering Society


Wen-Chieh Lee was born in Toayuan, Taiwan in Oct. 1972. He received his B.S. degree from the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University (CSIE, NCTU), Hsinchu, Taiwan in 1995. He also received his Ph.D. of the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University in Oct. 2001Œ. His Ph. D. dissertation was titled as "Design of the Audio Coding Standards for MPEG and AC-3".
After that, he served his 4 year military service in the Perceptual Signal Processing Lab, Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University as a research assistant professor. His research interests focus on perceptual audio compression, DSP core optimization and high-quality audio effect processing. He and lab members have completed the development of fast algorithm for real-time MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 audio codec layer 1, 2, 3 and MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC codec. On topics on high-quality audio effects, he developed the real-time multi-channel nature reverberator that provides the possibility for multi-channel simulation of sound field of great opera or great hall in a low complexity. The studies are published as several conference papers [conference paper 1]~[conference paper 23]. The development of the audio codec and audio effects also optimize on the different embedded platform, like x86, MIPS, ARM and TI DSP chips according to different DSP core architecture. The works on the audio codec algorithm development and optimization are adopted in several famous products in InterVideo WinDVD and WinDVD creator and embedded DSP platform.

Work experiences

While pursuing the Ph. D. degree in his college life, he also work as a part-time/full time engineer in several companies. In 1994~1995, he participated in U5/U6 CPU design project in UMCŽ. In 1995~1998, he focus on the implementation of (1) real-time MPEG-1 audio decoder for layer 1, 2 in 486, Pentium, (2) Real-time MPEG audio encoder for layer 1, 2 in Pentium (3) real-time Dolby AC-3 decoder for floating-point and MMX version for Pentium with Acer Lab. Inc.

Research Interests

  • Perceptual video compression
  • Perceptual audio compression
  • DSP platform optimization
  • High quality audio effect
  • High quality multi-channel surround

Ph. D. Dissertation

  1. Wen-Chieh Lee, "Design of the Audio Coding Standards for MPEG and AC-3," the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Journal papers

  1. Chi-Min Liu, Han-Wen Hsu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Compression artifacts in perceptual audio coding," IEEE trans. on Audio, Speech, and Lanaguage Processing, Vol. 16, Num. 4, May 2008.
  2. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "A unified fast algorithm for cosine modulated filterbanks in current audio standards," Journal of Audio Engineering Society, vol. 47, no. 12, Dec 1999.
  3. Chi-Min Liu, Szu-Wei Lee, and, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Bit allocation method for AC-3 encoder," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics," vol. 44 issue: 3, pp. 883~887, Aug. 1998.
  4. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, S. Y. Juang, "Design of the coupling schemes for the AC-3 coder in stereo coding," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 44 issue: 3, pp. 878~882, Aug. 1998.
  5. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "The design of a hybrid filterbank for the psychoacoustic model in ISO/MPEG phases 1, 2 audio encoder," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 43 issue: 3, pp. 586, Aug. 1997.

Conference papers

  1. Chi-Min Liu, Han-Wen Hsu, Chung-Han Yang, and Wen-Chieh Lee, “Low-Power MPEG-4 HE-AAC Version-2 Encoder,” Audio Engineering Society 124th Convention, May 17–20, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008.
  2. Chi-Min Liu, Chung-Han Yang, Han-Wen Hsu, and Wen-Chieh Lee, “Design of Framing in MPEG Surround Based on Dynamic Programming Algorithm,” Audio Engineering Society 124th Convention, May 17–20, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008.
  3. Han-Wen Hsu, C.L Hu, Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "On the Design of Low Power MPEG-4 HE-AAC Encoders," Audio Engineering Society 122th Convention, Vienna, Austria, May 5–8, 2007.
  4. Han-Wen Hsu, H.Y. Tseng, Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, C. H. Yang, "High Quality, Low Power QMF Bank Design for SBR, Parametric Coding, and MPEG Surround Decoders," Audio Engineering Society 122th Convention, Vienna, Austria, May 5–8, 2007.
  5. Chi-Min Liu, Han-Wen Hsu, C.H. Yang, K.C. Lee, S.H. Tang, Y.C. Yang, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Compression Artifacts in Perceptual Audio Coding,"Audio Engineering Society 121th Convention, San Francisco, USA, October 5–8, 2006.
  6. Han-Wen Hsu, Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Fast Complex Quadrature Mirror Filterbanks for MPEG-4 HE-AAC," Audio Engineering Society 121th Convention, San Francisco, USA, October 5–8, 2006.
  7. C.H. Yang, Han-Wen Hsu, K.C. Lee, S.H. Tang, Y.C. Yang, C.M. Chang, Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Design of HE-AAC Version 2 Encoder," Audio Engineering Society 121th Convention, San Francisco, USA, Oct. 5–8, 2006.
  8. Han-Wen Hsu, Y.C Yang, Chi-Min Liu, and Wen-Chieh Lee, "Design for High Frequency Adjustment Module in MPEG-4 HEAAC Encoder based on Linear Prediction Method," Audio Engineering Society 120th Convention, Paris, France, May 20–23, 2006.
  9. K.C. Lee, C.H. Yang, Han-Wen Hsu, Wen-Chieh Lee, Chi-Min Liu, and T.W. Chang,"Efficient Design of Time-Frequency Stereo Parameter Sets for Parametric HE-AAC," Audio Engineering Society 119th Convention, New York, USA, October 7–10, 2005.
  10. Chi-Min Liu, L.W. Chen, Han-Wen Hsu, and Wen-Chieh Lee, "Bit Reservoir Design for HE-AAC," Audio Engineering Society 118th Convention, Barcelona, Spain, May 28-31, 2005.
  11. Han-Wen Hsu, Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, and Zheng-Wen Li, "Audio Patch Method in MPEG-4 HE AAC Decoder," Audio Engineering Society 117th Convention, San Francisco, USA, Oct. 28-31, 2004.
  12. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, Chung-Han Yang, Kang-Yan Peng, Ting Chiou, Tzu-Wen Chang, Yu-Hua Hsiao, Hen-Wen Hue and Chu-Ting Chien, "Design of AAC Encoders", Audio Engineering Society 117th Convention, San Francisco, USA, Oct. 28-31, 2004.
  13. Chi-Min Liu, Li-Wei Chen, Ming-Ton Su, Wen-Chieh Lee, Chung-Han Yang, You-Hua Hsiao, Zheng-Wen Li, and Chu-Ting Chien, "Efficient Bit Reservoir Design for MP3 and AAC," Audio Engineering Society 117th Convention, San Francisco, USA, Oct. 28-31, 2004.
  14. Hen-Wen Hue, Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Audio Patch Method in Audio Decoders MP3 and AAC," Audio Engineering Society 116th Convention, Berlin, Germany, May 8~11, 2004.
  15. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, Tzu-Wen Chang, "The Efficient Temporal Noise Shaping Method," Audio Engineering Society 116th Convention, Berlin, Germany, May 8~11, 2004.
  16. Wen-Chieh Lee, Chi-Min Liu, Chung-Han Yang and Jiun-In Guo, "Perceptual Convolution for Reverberation," Audio Engineering Society 115th Convention, New York, US, Oct. 10~13, 2003.
  17. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, Hen-Wen Hue, "High frequency reconstruction by linear extrapolation," Audio Engineering Society 115th convention, 2003 Oct. 10-13, New York, US, Oct. 10~13, 2003.
  18. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, and Yo-Hua Hsiao, "M/S coding based on allocation entropy," Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, London, UK, Sep. 11~18, 2003.
  19. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, Han-Wen Hsu, "High frequency reconstruction for band-limited audio signals," Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, London, UK, Sep. 11~18, 2003.
  20. Wen-Chieh Lee, Chi-Min Liu, Chung-Han Yang and Jiun-In Guo, "Fast Perceptual Convolution for Room Reverberation," Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, London, UK, Sep. 8~11, 2003.
  21. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, and C. T. Chien, "Bit allocation for advanced audio coding using bandwidth proportional noise-shaping criterion," Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects, London, UK, Sep. 11~18, 2003.
  22. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, R. S. Hong, "A new criterion and associated bit allocation method for current audio coding standards," Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 26-28, 2002.
  23. Chi-Min Liu, Chin-Ching Chen, Wen-Chieh Lee, and S.W. Lee, "A fast bit allocation method for MPEG layer III," Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics, pp. 22, 1999.
  24. Chi-Min Liu, Szu-Wei Lee, and Wen-Chieh Lee, "Bit allocation method for Dolby AC-3 encoder," Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics, pp. 330, 1998.
  25. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "A unified fast algorithm for cosine modulated filterbanks in current audio standards," 104th Audio Engineering Society convention, 1998.
  26. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, S. Y. Juang, "Design of the coupling schemes for the Dolby AC-3 coder in stereo coding," Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics, pp. 328, 1998.
  27. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "The design of a hybrid filterbank for the psychoacoustic model in ISO/MPEG phase 1, 2 audio encoder," Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics, pp. 208, 1997.

US Patents

  1. Eldon Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "System and method of dvd player for displaying multiple subtitles," U. S. Patent US7457522, Nov. 25, 2008
  2. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Unified recursive decomposition architecture for cosine modulated filterbanks," U.S. Patent US6119080, Sep. 12, 2000.
  3. Chi-Min Liu, Szu-Wei Lee, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Method and device for down mixing compressed audio bit stream having multiple audio channels," U.S. Patent US6141645, Oct. 31, 2000

US Pending Patents

  1. Chi-min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, Tzu-wen Chang, "Method of detecting for activating a temporal noise shaping," USPTO pending, 20080004870
  2. Chi-min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, Chiou Tin, "Perceptual coding of audio signals by spectrum uncertainty," USPTO pending, 20080004873
  3. Wen-Chieh Lee, Chi-Min Liu, "Signal processing method for audio signal compensation," USPTO pending, 20050249363
  4. Wen-Chieh Lee, Chi-Min Liu, Tsun-Chung Yang, "Computer system for playing encrypted multimedia data and method for the same," USPTO pending, 20050251689
  5. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, Chung-Han Yang, "Efficient method and apparatus for convolution of input signals", USPTO pending, 20050223050.
  6. Method of Mid-Side coding in the Audio, US patent pending
  7. Chi-Min Liu, Wen-Chieh Lee, "Method and Architecture of digital coding for transmitting and packing audio signals", USPTO pending, 20040002859

German Patents

  1. Chi-Min Liu and Wen-Chieh Lee, "Method and Architecture of digital coding for transmitting and packing audio signals," German Patent No. 10310758

Taiwan Patents

  1. 劉啓民, 李文傑, "具選擇播放多種字幕的DVD播放架構及方法", 2006/9/1, TW 093100605 
  2. 劉啟民, 李文傑, 楊存中, "可播放鎖碼多媒體之電腦系統及其方法 ",TW 093112528
  3. 劉啟民, 李文傑, "傳送和包裝訊號的數位編碼方法與結構", 00584835, 2004/04/21
  4. 劉啟民, 李思瑋, 李文傑, "多聲道壓縮音頻位元流減少聲道混音之方法與元件", 00390104, 2000/05/11
  5. 劉啟民, 李文傑, "實施餘弦調變濾波器層的單一化架構", 00382693, 2000/02/21
  6. 李文傑, 劉啓民, "補償音訊訊號之處理方法"  June 2005, TW 093112529
  7. 李文傑, 王海明, 李正文, "電腦系統儲存數位攝影機資料之架構及其方法", TW 093137822
  8. 李文傑, 王海明, 李正文, "動態調整儲存數値於暫存器之架構及其方法", TW 093141022
  9. 李文傑, "電腦系統錄製多媒體資料之架構及方法", TW 096134752
  10. 李文傑, "電腦系統錄製多媒體資料之架構及方法", TW 091205764
  11. 李文傑, "電腦系統錄製多媒體資料之架構及方法", TW 093135692
  12. 沈怡彬, 高名揚, 楊存中, 李文傑, "濾除廣告資料之裝置及其方法", July 2009: TW 093141814
  13. 李文傑, 楊存中, 簡鉅庭,"動態調整亮度之視訊播放裝置及方法"  March 2006: TW 093139045
  14. 李文傑, 李仁隆, "外部可攜式儲存裝置控制電腦系統及其方法"  May 2007: TW 093137824
  15. 李文傑, 沈怡彬, 簡鉅庭, "用於電腦裝置上選擇音效之播放方法及系統", May 2007, TW 093131669